offers best Competency Demonstration Report or CDR writing services for Engineers Australia. All Engineers who want to migrate to Australia are first assessed by Engineers Australia (EA), the authority which decides whether an individual candidate is eligible for Skilled Migration or not. If the candidates do not hold Australian qualifications or qualifications from countries that are full signatories of the Washington Accord, Sydney Accord, and Dublin Accord, the EA allows candidates to apply for Australian immigration through the CDR pathway.
Our panel of experts includes professional CDR writers as well as Professional Engineers who have been positively assessed by EA.
I have always feared writing essays. And, with three Career Episodes, I couldn’t even understand how to begin with. I reached out to for consultation and guidance on CDR writing. They took me through the entire process comprehensively, cleared all doubts, and made me more confident.
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Most of the time, candidates request us to assist them in preparing the complete CDR report include the Identification of Continuous Professional Development (CPD), Three Career Episodes, and the Summary Statement.
Online CDR writing services we provide are unique in the sense that we have stringent quality-checking procedures. The CDR writing assistance we provide yields best results on a consistent basis. It means that though our professional CDR writing services are highly affordable, we have a 99% track record of preparing CDR for Australia that have won Skilled Migration visa for our clients easily.
The CDR Engineers Australia asks for has to be original and specific to your career growth and achievements. Hence, we make use of your detailed and updated CV or resume in preparing the best CDR for you. You will also need to fill up our Questionnaires in which we ask specific information about the projects you have done or the work experience you have. We write our Career Episodes on the information you provide and send it to you for approval before we finalise them.
Our complete CDR writing services include preparation of the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Report, writing three Career Episodes (CEs) for you, and preparation of the Summary Statement (SS).
Many candidates looking forward to getting Australian Skilled Migration request assistance from CDR Writing Services Australia experts for just one or more sections of the their CDR report. Career Episode Writing seem tricky to most engineers as they are not aware of the technical requirements of the Engineers Australia and the writing style they should follow. In such cases, we offer to write one, two, or all three of the Career Episodes for you based on your inputs.
Do note that Career Episodes are actually lengthy essays that are drafted to show that you possess the competencies for the engineering category you are applying for. Hence, our CDR services providers need inputs from you to choose the theme of your essays. They may also need to be in touch with you while drafting these essays for you – to clarify certain points and offer you a completely customised Career Episode narrative.
If you want to attempt to write Career Episodes yourself and just need help with the formatting, you can ask us to write one essay for you which you can then use as reference to draft the other two essays yourselves.
Though a Summary Statement is just one-page long, it is the most difficult and most important section of your CDR report. In that one page, you have to showcase your engineering and management skills by drawing instances from the Career Episodes (CEs) you have written earlier. The cross-referencing of paragraphs from CEs highlighting competencies you possess is easier said than done.
CDRReport’s expert team of writers can help you with Summary Statement Writing in no time, effectively stressing all that EA is looking for in the engineers it allows to migrate to Australia. As we work on your Summary Statement, we may also point out any lapses in your Career Episodes and recommend how to word them better.
Once your Competency Demonstration Report is ready, you might want to run it through us before you submit it to Engineers Australia. Our CDR Review services is available in two versions:
CDRReport has a team of professional CDR writers who are well aware of all the requirements of Engineers Australia. They have years of experience in penning CDRs that have been assessed positively by the EA. Hence, they are quick to spot the weak points in your CPD, Career Episodes or Summary Statement – and can offer you a detailed feedback report of what needs to be modified or edited in your CDR Australia.
CDR Editors and Proofreaders on our panel can be of invaluable assistance to you in preparing an impeccable report with no spelling or grammar mistakes. These editors also suggest how to structure your sentences better or how to improve the flow of your narratives – while keeping the EA technical requirements in mind.
One of the main reasons why EA rejects a candidate’s CDR is ‘Plagiarism’. Plagiarism means ‘copying someone else’s work and trying to pass it as your own’. Most engineers read through a few CDR samples, pick a few ideas or statements from here and there, and then, try to assemble their own CDR. However, Engineers Australia strictly looks down upon any kind of plagiarism.
CDR Report’s Plagiarism Checking and Plagiarism Removal Services offers to go through your Career Episodes and/or complete CDR to check if any phrases, sentences or paragraphs in your writing piece match other instances of published material on or off the Internet (such as other CDR samples, books, websites, or papers). Our experts identify such content and get them paraphrased in a different way, so that you can avoid being penalised by EA later on.
You guys are amazing!! I am thankful that this website exists and lucky that I found this website! I would like to thank these amazing peps for helping me out to create my CEs, summary statement and CPD. You guys were there to help me out on time! Thank you guys!!
You guys are doing a really good job. I would never be able to submit my report without you guys and I even thought you guys would not be able to complete on time, but you did it. One thing I want to say it would have been better if you would have charged a bit less, but quality comes at a price and you guys are worth the price.
From my point of view the my Biomedical engineering CDR report was very nicely written, I don’t know that I will get positive assessment or not, but the report is perfect according to me. Thank you for giving me the solution before my deadline I appreciate for that.