Career Episode Report Writing Service For Engineers In India

Professional Career Episode Report Writing Service for Engineers.

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Each CDR or Competency Development Report has set sections to be showcased. These comprise of Continuing Professional Development (CPD), Career Episodes, and Summary Statement. Here, the Career Episode Writing is the most important one that needs thorough planning of the approach and topics to showcase

The Need to Write a Career Episode

Each one of the three Career Episodes in your CDR helps the assessing authority EA (Engineers Australia) to evaluate the level of competence you hold in different parameters. They also align the same with established Australian standards and market requirements. That means, every Career Episode should also align to the choice of occupational category in your Visa application. Below mentioned are the ones

  • Professional Engineers
  • Engineering Technologists
  • Engineering Associates
  • Engineering Managers

When EA defines the four occupational categories, it does provide details on the required competency indicators and complete competency expectations. Such information surely gives you a good headstart with CDR, especially for your Career Episode Writing.However, now you know how your Career Episode should shape up to create a lasting impression.

At CDRReport, we offer exceptional Career Episode Writing Service. From choosing the most relevant topics for all three Episodes, to categorically weave the story in the most professionally relevant manner. Remember that it is very important to add value to what the Australian assessors deem as minimum requirements. Your Career Episodes must surely stand out.

Indian engineers already have an edge, in terms of the professional and technical expertise. But if you miss out on the representation aspect, all is lost. We have witnessed that plethora of questions plagues the mind of applicants who reach out to us for assistance. Our professional engineers and CDR writers interview them comprehensively to understand their professional journey and allow them a review of different Career Episodes for Engineers Australia. This answers all their queries.

Years of experience in this domain, and stand today as proud experts at writing your Career Episodes. With a 99% positive assessment statistic to boost your morale, we work on hundreds of reports every month. Engineers from India who aspire to start a new journey in Australia, reach out to us for review or assistance with their CDR reports.

Questions about why and how of each Career Episode might plague your thoughts. On a general note, it might also be difficult to recollect and identify unique instances that highlight competency indicators. All because you do not hold much experience and exposure at CDR writing. But with us, you need not worry. Our team of professionals will ensure that they interview you in a manner that you comfortably share all of what is required. And, this is how we begin working on your Career Episodes, with perfect information. Our team is always open to capture your suggestions

Once the most important step of topic/theme identification for all Career Episodes is done, we move forward. However, you must understand what goes behind arriving at that stage.

  1. There must be complete clarity and the highest level of information sharing between the CDR report writer and you
  2. Our Career Episode Writing Service stands valid only when you share correct information and validate your claims with various proofs. So you will need to tell us about the
  • Projects worked upon, workshops and seminars attended, any special training program was undertaken, certificate programs etc.
  • Your role in concern with the project you want to highlight about. How do you think it seems relevant to the role you are applying for, and what all competency indicators map up to it
  • EA assessors give due weight to your involvement in design aspects and functional innovations pertaining to the role. So think through and do mention that.
  1. Our writers are well versed with Australian English, which is a mandate for CDR writing. While the language seems similar to British English, you need to be conversant enough to know the minor deviations.
  2. Before one even begins with CDR writing, being totally in line with the MSA (Migration Skills Assessment) booklet released by the EA, is a must. Here the EA has elaborated all requirements from your CDR and at, we refer the same for all Career Episode Writing Services that we offer.
  3. We understand that EA assessors are avers to unrequired data. They just want to know more about you: the roles that you have played and your professional achievements. As a consequence, our reports are concise and crisp, as they should be.
  4. One of the essential requirements from Career Episodes is to be precise and not too technical. So we avoid unnecessary graphics or representations there. We also mark every competency element precisely for easy representation in your Summary Statement.

All in all our Career Episodes flow in the exact required manner.

We begin with a brief introduction about you and what we aim to depict in that particular Episode, to gives the assessor a quick idea. The introduction can briefly speak of your employer, project, your position, and the role, we are going to speak about. Moving further, we will set the base with the project requirements, Objectives, Job Description and KRAs.

Once that be done, the base stands clear. We then move further by elaborating on the role you were supposed to play and the path you undertook. This will give us the opportunity to showcase the key engineering activities you performed and strategies that you planned to achieve the goals. We use this space to keep mapping the activities with the key competency indicators desired out of you. Gradually, we summarise the specific Episode with an impactful conclusion.

We understand that an active representation is what the assessors’ desire from each Career Episode, so we use the first person approach while writing it down. ‘I did this’, ‘I planned the schedule’ etc.

You need to understand that every EA assessor sitting across the table is looking for a good package from you. How and why you did, what you did and how it all aligns with their expectations. And, with professional engineers and writers who have the first-hand experience with EA assessments, we have the best team to offer the Career Episode Report to Engineers Australia. Reach out, Today!

Contact at to get answers to all your queries and doubts regarding CDR writing instantly!

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