Structural engineers can find suitable jobs in engineering consultancies, local authorities, aircraft manufacturers, railroad companies and oil manufacturers. Basically, a structural engineer performs the job of creating, planning and constructing new buildings, properties, machinery and other structures. They might gain specialization in specific engineering fields such as aircraft, buildings, bridges, pipelines or tunnels. A bachelor’s degree in civil engineering or higher is required to become a structural engineer. In Australia, structural engineers can get an average annual salary of AU$73K and can find jobs in various locations such as Perth, Brisbane, Adelaide, Queensland, Gold Coast, Melbourne and Newcastle.
If you also aspire to settle down in Australia and find a prosperous career as a structural engineer then you must present three effective career episodes along with your CDR or competency demonstration report to Engineers Australia. This is a process of skill assessment that is to be done before you apply for your visa. The career episodes will help in deciding whether your knowledge and skills are compatible with Australian work ethics and requirements. is here to support you in creating the best possible career episode report for your skill assessment.
I have always feared writing essays. And, with three Career Episodes, I couldn’t even understand how to begin with. I reached out to for consultation and guidance on CDR writing. They took me through the entire process comprehensively, cleared all doubts, and made me more confident.
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The CDR report provides an overview of your professional and educational career in structural engineering. Career episodes are a part of the CDR report that helps in showcasing your competencies as an engineer. Engineers Australia has categorized various engineering professionals into four major categories namely professional engineer, engineering technologist, engineering associate and engineering manager. Based on these occupational categories, it has defined some competency elements that every applicant must fulfil. The more competency elements you showcase in your career episode report, the more compatible you are to work in Australia. Therefore, you must prepare your career episodes dedicatedly.
You must create career episodes as per the guidelines and requirements are given by Engineers Australia. You can refer to the migration skills assessment booklet for more information on the competency report and the skills assessment process. The CDR summary statement is also based on the three career episodes that you have to create therefore you must understand the format completely. Here are some important tips that you must consider while creating career episodes for CDR.
Job Description for Structural Engineers
Structure engineers are innovators and creators. They use their technical skills and engineering knowledge to create different structures and enhance the world. They need to design structures that are capable of standing strong enough under pressure and various environmental conditions. They might also have to examine already created structures and maintain them or restore them. They decide which materials shall be suitable for construction and hence help in creating the requirements for the same. They shall use their technical skills in creating models or computer-aided designs for presentations, analysis and records.
Skills to mention in Career Episodes for Structural Engineers
Structural engineers must possess good analytical and problem-solving skills with the ability to perform technical calculations. Computer skills and knowledge of design software for construction is a bonus in today’s digital world. They must also possess excellent written and verbal communication abilities and preparing career episodes is a great way to showcase your communication skills. They must also highlight their attention to details and teamwork skills in career episodes and catch attention.
For instance, you might explain how you coordinated with other engineers, what barriers you faced and how you used your skills to work past those barriers. You must provide three different projects or engineering tasks in each career episode respectively. You can showcase how your interest and passion in construction has led to your success in this field.
You can trust for Engineers Australia approved career episode samples for structural engineers. Our well-qualified and experienced team of CDR experts and career episode writers has created high-quality samples for your reference. Many of our CDR experts have themselves gone through the skills assessment process by Engineers Australia and very well understand the important things related to career episode writing. You can also get a complete CDR sample for structural engineers that would include sample CV, CPD list, the three career episodes and summary statement.
Along with this, our team can help you select the best project for your structural engineer career episode report. They can help you identify what duties and responsibilities you should include in your episode and how to highlight your core competencies. You will be able to easily recognize how much technical information you need to include in your report. We can also ensure that your career episode report is 100% original and contains zero plagiarism. Engineers Australia allows in-text citations in the career episodes. But otherwise, the report should be completely original.
Get guaranteed satisfaction, prompt service and 100% confidentiality! is here 24/7 for your assistance. We offer career episode writing help in every engineering discipline for the Australia skill assessment process. Connect with us right away for your guaranteed immigration to Australia.
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You guys are doing a really good job. I would never be able to submit my report without you guys and I even thought you guys would not be able to complete on time, but you did it. One thing I want to say it would have been better if you would have charged a bit less, but quality comes at a price and you guys are worth the price.
From my point of view the my Biomedical engineering CDR report was very nicely written, I don’t know that I will get positive assessment or not, but the report is perfect according to me. Thank you for giving me the solution before my deadline I appreciate for that.