CDR Report Editing And Proofreading Service For Engineers In UAE

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Are you an engineer based on UAE aspiring for a successful career in Australia? Are you looking for CDR Report Editing and Proofreading Service? You have reached the right place. Keep reading.

First of all, you are supposed to submit a Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) to The Engineers Australia (EA) for review. EA is a professional body that assesses your personal as well as professional skills and makes the final call on your eligibility for migration to Australia. Hence, preparing a winning CDR is significant for your career in Australia.

What’s a CDR?

On simple terms, Competency Demonstration Report is your ticket for procuring a Skilled Migration Visa for Australia. Generally, the EA expects you to write your own CDR in order to assess your communication skills. In fact, it has published the Migration Skills Assessment booklets that offer guidelines to prepare your own CDR.

The CDR offers information regarding your skills and expertise as an engineer. It encompasses documents such as Continuing Professional Documents (CPD) list, Resume, Three Career Episodes, and Summary Statement.

CDR enables the EA to analyze and estimate your proficiency, expertise, knowledge, and skills in your chosen engineering domain. When your CDR meets all these criteria and satisfies the expectations of the EA, your skill immigration visa to Australia will be approved.

What is a CDR Editing and Proofreading Service?

In a CDR editing and proofreading service, highly qualified CDR Editors offer checking of:

  • Spelling and grammar mistakes
  • Informative errors
  • The way you have organized your CDR Report
  • Whether your CDR report meets the EA guidelines
  • Whether your writing matches the Australian standards
  • Whether your CDR Report contains all the elements and units of your chosen engineering category
  • Rectify the mistakes

Why do you need a CDR Editing and Proofreading Service?

One of the important points mentioned by the EA in the booklet is that plagiarism will not be tolerated irrespective of the form it appears. If plagiarism of any kind is detected, it might lead to strenuous actions including the rejection of your profile.

So it is important that you must submit a CDR that is original in every aspect. But a mere plagiarism free document ain’t gonna cut it. The standards of the CDR have to meet the expectations of the EA. The content has to be error free with impeccable grammar and spelling. It should meet the Australian English standards.

All this may seem intimidating but don’t fret for we got you covered. Our CDR editor team will go through your entire CDR to proofread and edit contents that might be plagiarized or needs improvement.

How our CDR Editors do it?

  • We at offer comprehensive CDR editing service and proofreading service for our clients.
  • We highlight your professional achievements so that it appeals to the reviewers.
  • We ensure that the complex problems you encountered and the innovative ways you overcame it is presented in an impressive way.
  • We ensure that you have provided your work experience, company details, and nature of job in a detailed manner.
  • The most important aspect is that all these details must be presented in Australian English so that the reviewers find it very easy to go through your profile.

Why choose us?

  • We focus exclusively on UAE clients. Therefore, we are well versed with their requirements and modifications required.
  • Our teams have been assembled based on domain expertise of the members. Hence, we cover all engineering domain to offer a comprehensive service for our clients.
  • We also have linguistic experts specializing in Australian language and culture who know what clicks with the EA and what doesn’t.
  • An expert opinion is always advisable even if you are so sure of your writing.
  • Our writers and CDR editors are well versed with the guidelines provided by the EA and their internal structure.
  • Our proofreading and plagiarism check software is state-of-the-art in every sense of the word.
  • We have vast experience and a good track record of enabling many engineers from UAE successfully migrate to Australia.
  • We charge very reasonable price from our clients for our exceptional CDR Report Editing and Proofreading services.
  • So the applicants can be rest assured that their CDR will get rave reviews from the EA and they can realize their dream of having a career in Australia.

Top Engineering Experts

Stella White

Masters and Specialization in Electrical Engineering

Harry Turner

Masters and Specialization in Mechanical Engineering

Lucy Hall

Masters and Specialization in Civil Engineering

Henry Alessi

Masters and Specialization in Agricultural Engineering

Raymond Altieri

Masters and Specialization in Telecommunications Engineering
