Engineers Australia defines the Competency Standards Stage 2 as an assessment parameter to attain the Chartered Professional Engineer status. Wherein, the Chartered status is about attaining the certification of Professional Engineering. Chartered Professionals are expected to have reached the highest level of professional competence in the concerned domain, through years of experience and practice.
Stage 2 Competency
Stage 2 Competency assessment for Chartered membership, is a government requirement for professional credential recognition amongst business and general public worldwide. Once you attain the CPEng, it is a binding obligation to maintain the same level of competence in the concerned domain.
The Competency Standards Stage 2 assessments for CPEng, for Professional Engineer opens opportunity to achieve Chartered membership of Engineers Australia (CEngT). Not limited to this, the individual also gets registered with National Engineering Register (NER).
As a certified Chartered Professional Engineer, one needs to demonstrate highest levels of competence in domains like Subject Expertise, Leadership abilities, Quality, and Safety. Demonstrating the expected performance abilities towards engineering applications and other professional skills; in addition to the desired level of attitudes and values. All of this allows the EA to certify the individual as an independent Professional Engineer, who is then awarded the licence to practice unsupervised. A professional intervention with documentation to boost your claims, certainly helps to create lasting impressions. At CDRReport we do just that.
Professional Engineers aspiring for CPEng are bound to demonstrate certain levels of competence in the practice area throughout their career. They must also display ability to effectively utilize such competence levels, and an ability to conduct themselves well in different scenarios.
Amongst the Various Expectations from Experienced Professional Engineers, some are
While applying for CPEng towards Chartered Status recognition as a Professional Engineer, there are multiple documentation procedures. Each one of the required document is used as an evidence towards your claims about the engineering competency. Below mentioned are the submission items, as required by the Engineers Australia, towards registration as a Chartered Professional Engineer.
Wherein, Engineering Competency Claims defines how involved you have been at a personal level, in technical engineering projects. Professional writers and engineering experts at CDRReport strengthen your claims with their apt words. The Stage 2 Competency Standards focus on aspects like: commitment to service, demonstration of value at the workplace, ability to reflect technical proficiency, and obligation that one as an engineer has towards the community in general.
Engineering Experience Record (EER) collates a summary description of your employment background, encompassing all the roles experienced by you, in about 700 words. These submission items require a thorough understanding of the EA expectations and are pretty complex and time consuming.
The kind of submissions will further depend depend upon the choice of assessment pathway selected. You can choose an appropriate pathway towards the eChartered Competency Assessment.
As you chose the eChartered Pathway for submission, the total number of ECCs or engineering competency claims, will lie between 11 to 16. Those opting for Engineering Competency Report (or ECR pathway) will be required to submit 16 ECCs (engineering competency claims). Here, each of the ECC claim goes in great details about the personal experience and exposure, in technical projects. Wherein, the ECCs are always prepared basis the Stage 2 Competency Standards as shared by the EA (Engineers Australia). It becomes tedious and time consuming to bring out the best in these 16 ECCs; something that is impactful enough. With CDRReport you have no worries.
CDRReport can assist you with your document submissions towards the Chartered Status (CPEng) registration process with the EA (Engineers Australia). Our expert team can help you with ECC, EER, CPD, and all other document submissions. We offer assistance and review with each of these document, as desired.
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